“ I had a nomadic childhood…

...so I learned early on not only about how to make the most of change, but to thrive on it. ”

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What do I bring to the table that other marketers don't?

I roll with change.

I hail from an army background – with my father having been an officer in the Indian army, I spent my childhood travelling across India, checking into one culture after another. Realizing early on that change is inevitable, I learned to adapt to – and roll with – change very early on, and picked up a knack to create a network of people wherever I went.

I challenge the status quo.

The constant change developed an innate user-centric perspective in me and honed my ability to challenge the status quo. I ask as many questions as it takes to relate data and trends, psychology and need, and industries and business goals. Despite having numerous certifications in tools, products, and technologies, I won’t hesitate ever going back to the drawing board or rolling up my sleeves to execute results myself. In fact, I’m supremely comfortable throughout the entire workflow spectrum—from micro-level tactics to the “big picture” strategy.

I don't shy away from risks.

My nomadic past has made me less afraid of risks. I now focus on learning and embracing change to stay ahead of industry trends. In particular, I believe when companies are in early growth stages, frequent risk-taking and a “growth hacking” mentality can help faster identify what works and what does not—not to mention also providing a world of difference to overall growth itself. I’ve launched several bold campaigns that have impacted at scale, and in all honesty, while some have worked better than others, the bottom line is — I learned fully well about what didn’t!

I play hardball with data.

I balance success metrics for strategic partners, engineering teams, and leadership, leverage data, and manage my available resources to achieve undeniable results. Once I distill business data, research findings, market trends, and product attributes, I arrive at the perfect positioning and messaging to establish that vital customer connect – and also drive demand. My multi-channel expertise helps me lead geographically distributed teams to work cohesively together toward beautifully integrated marketing campaigns.

I believe it is all about H2H.

It’s no longer about being B2B or B2C, it’s about being H2H or human to human. I excel at putting my customers at the forefront and unearth stories that are high on as much EQ as IQ.

The irony is, in battling the dwindling attention spans and need for on-demand decisions, brands have floated afar from B2H marketing. And the truth is, B2H is a much more thoughtful approach that focuses on personalizing the customer experience in an empathetic and authentic manner, while ensuring value generation at each touchpoint.